Teaching with MekaMon is easy
Curriculum led Experience
Our Scratch-based guided learning Missions offer learners lessons in coding based on UK and USA computer science curricula. While the missions cover areas of KS1, KS2 and KS3 computing curriculum, they are primarily aimed at KS2 students, typically ages 7 to 11+.
Concepts covered include loops, events, conditions, variables, debugging, algorithms, functions and design.
Meanwhile, ReachEdu’s range of other learning modes enable teachers to expand MekaMon’s potential across the wider curriculum.
Engage Learners Through Play
Structured around play and discovery, ReachEdu Missions bring fun, creativity, and experimentation to coding education. Increase your students’ retention, engagement, and motivation through gamified learning structures and rewards.
Our early Missions provide learners with the confidence to independently explore coding with MekaMon.
Later challenges offer students the opportunity to creatively experiment with the knowledge they have built.
Frequent in-app rewards keep learners motivated to pursue the next stage of learning.
Students discover the correct solutions to challenges organically through the structure of tutorials and puzzles.
Fun and engaging characters and scenarios guide students through each Mission.
Flexible Coding Education
Freedrive, MekaDraw, MekaMotion, and MekaCode offer four distinct approaches to coding education, each with their own potential for wider application across the curriculum. From Physics to Maths, Creative Writing to Dance, MekaMon opens up a world of technological engagement beyond Computer Science.
Easy To Use
Modular and robust, MekaMon is perfectly designed for flexible teaching and fast set up in the classroom.
Quick in-lesson set up and tidy away keeps your students engaged for longer.
High quality build design with tried and tested durability.
Simple initial set up process with quick start guides to get you up and running as soon as possible.
90 minute battery life ensures your lesson runs smoothly.
A removable battery means you can keep your robots charged at all times.
Modular design makes it easy to repair or replace parts of your MekaMon.
Tech Specs
60 Minutes To Fully Charge
90 Minutes Lesson Time Per Charge
iOS and Android compatible
Infrared and Touch Sensors
Modular, Removable Battery and Legs
Bluetooth Communication